Welcome to St Mary Westley, in the benefice of Horringer. We are a relatively small congregation committed to our witness and worship of Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour. Our usual pattern of services are 1st Sunday of the month 9.30 All-Age Worship and 3rd Sunday of the month 9.30am Holy Communion.

Aside from regular services, congregations gather here for Easter, Harvest & Christmas services. We are Christians in community united by our faith and fellowship and welcome all people to join us in a spirit of love and hospitality.  Our church is lovingly tendered by Churchwardens and PCC and is a beautiful place to visit for prayer and reflection.

As ‘The Guide to Suffolk Churches’-D. P. Mortlock (revised 2009) Lutterworth Press, states “A very simple building  designed by William Ranger, the architect of St. John’s Bury St Edmunds, Half way up the aisle is a large ledger-stone with a roundel of arms for William Brookes who died in 1795 and in the sanctuary boards painted with the Decalogue, Creed and Lord’s Prayer transferred from an earlier church. The pulpit Jacobean in style is a memorial to two Westley men  who died in WW1.

Meet The Team

Reverend Canon Max Osborne Rector & Associate Priest Reverend Ian White

01284 735325

Reverend Mel Takac Assistant Curate

Churchwarden Contact Debbie Mallinson 01284 754881


1st Sunday of the month 9.30 All-Age Worship

3rd Sunday of the month  9.30 Holy Communion

Upcoming Events

For the diary

St Mary’s Church News

St Mary’s Church has two Sunday services: the first Sunday of the month, our easy to follow All-Age service, and the third Sunday of the month a Holy Communion service.  Both start at the regular time of 9.30am and refreshments are available after the service.

Our 9.30am Communion service is a welcoming, uncomplicated service for everyone, whether or not you are a regular confirmed churchgoer; a chance perhaps to make space to enjoy a short time of quiet. Our ‘user friendly’ Holy Communion service booklet (Common Worship) is being used across the Horringer Benefice. The service lasts about 40 minutes and is followed by coffee, tea, biscuits and the opportunity to chat with other members of the congregation.

 Children are most welcome to all our services, and we have a box of toys and a selection of children’s books for them to borrow. There is a small carpeted area at the back of the church if required. For our All-Age services, small percussion instruments are available for children to play during the hymns.

A small private car park is situated adjacent to the church for use by church-goers and visitors to the churchyard.

Although the church remains locked at other times, the churchyard is always open and you are very welcome to wander round and perhaps sit for a while on the bench and enjoy the calm and fresh air. Information about the church can be found in the leaflet dispenser on the church gate.

If you are new to the village, or a visitor, you can be sure of a warm welcome to our services.