Welcome to St Peter’s Nowton, in the benefice of Horringer. We are a relatively small congregation committed to our witness and worship of Jesus Christ as our LORD and saviour. Our usual pattern of services are a 1st Sunday of the month 11am Morning Prayer Service and a 3rd Sunday of the month 11am Holy Communion. (Eucharist). We welcome people of all ages and enjoy seeing visiting guests and friends. St. Peter’s is a favourite choice for weddings and baptisms and for general visitors as ‘The Guide to Suffolk Churches’-D. P. Mortlock (revised 2009) Lutterworth Press states “This little church is well away from the hamlet and stands on a rise among open fields, backed to the west by pine trees. The building was enlarged and altered in 1843 and the chancel restored in 1876. What makes Nowton so special is the fabulous series of 84 continental sixteenth and seventeenth century glass roundels collected by Col. Rushbrooke, the Lord of the Manor, who had them installed in 1820.”
The church and church grounds have been tenderly cared for by our churchwardens whose commitment has ensured St Peter’s as place for passing ramblers, rest and quiet reflection for many years.
Meet The Team
Reverend Canon Max Osborne Rector
01284 735325 max9@btinternet.com
Reverend Mel Takac Assistant Curate
Churchwardens contact. Joyce Fynn 01284 388628
Adrian Potter
01638 560261 / 07957475062
1st Sunday of the month 11am MORNING PRAYER
3rd Sunday of the month 11am EUCHARIST